Data visualization has gained signi cant importance since the demand for
software applications providing abstract view and pattern identi cation has
increased. To meet the demand, a number of data visualization techniques
and best practices have been proposed as well as adopted in many disci-
plines. However, data visualization is not as advanced in healthcare software
applications as compared to other scienti c elds. This results into limited
support provided to the healthcare practitioners by software applications.
Moreover, poor usability of healthcare applications is another major hurdle
in adoption of electronic healthcare systems rather than traditional paper
based methods. This thesis is an e ort to develop a usable Electronic Health
Record (EHR) system (for Obstetrics), integrating di erent data visualiza-
tion techniques. The implemented system has been evaluated using standard
usability evaluation methods. The evaluation indicates that using appropri-
ate data visualization techniques in healthcare systems results in enhanced
usability. Furthermore, the results also prove that better data visualization
helps in improved quality of care in healthcare information systems.