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Hydropower Potential at Canal of Khanpur Dam

Show simple item record KASHIF MUSHTAQ 2020-11-05T06:55:00Z 2020-11-05T06:55:00Z 2020
dc.description.abstract This report considers using the available hydropower potential at canal of Khanpur Dam for generation of electricity and proposes the three alternatives for the installation of machinery required for power generation. Prevalent energy scenario is the biggest problem faced by Pakistan .This was the main motivation behind our project. Problem statement includes the energy crises and the effective ways to encounter the problem. Location of our project site and its geological features are included along with the salient features. Topographical sheet for the site is also attached. Related data was collected from various agencies. Discharge data was collected for the past 23 years from Khanpur dam authorities. Data was processed using methods like spread sheet analysis and Flow Duration Curves. From Flow Duration Analysis the design discharge value comes out to be 3.7 m3/sec and the available head at the site is 19m. These values were used to calculate the available hydropower potential at the canal i.e. 482 KW. On the basis of design discharge value and the available head, appropriate turbine was selected and economic analysis for the proposed alternatives. The most economical alternative was alternative 2 and selected for the project. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher NICE SCEE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.title Hydropower Potential at Canal of Khanpur Dam en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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