This study aims to locate fresh ground water aquifers in village Saggu and design an in- expensive and efficient water treatment system for treating ground water. For locating fresh ground water, PQWT apparatus and Electrical Resistivity Survey were jointly used. The ground water of already installed tube wells was analyzed using PQWT Apparatus and a relation was established between ground water and the results obtained. The quality assessment of ground water was done through Electrical Resistivity Survey. Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) had already established a relation between the Electrical Resistivity values and the ground water quality in this region. A total of 5 sites were analyzed and Baloch Point was found to have fresh ground water aquifers at shallow depth. Water quality tests from the installed tube wells suggested the water had large quantities of dissolved salts, particularly sulphates. Test experiments were also performed for the school tube well’s water sample. Thus a prototype was designed which consisted of an engineered filtration chamber containing layers of different media and an electrocoagulation (EC) chamber. Both of these components when coupled together successfully eliminated the water salination problem up to reasonable standards. The EC chamber was powered using a 12V motorcycle battery and two 4”*1* Iron (Fe) electrodes. Electrocoagulation was performed for 3 hours and the obtained solution was passed through the designed media filter. The concentrations of almost all the dissolved salts were reduced.