dc.description.abstract |
Pakistan's economy is highly reliant on agriculture which in turn is reliant on irrigation system
which requires ~ontinuous, reliable, and accessible. watersyste.rn and .network. Pakistan is
providential in spil, topography and climate 'whlchl'p~ovides'~rri6~~ :'for year round ~gri~ulture.
However, to tap ;the natural resources in the country, it is necessary to develop structures and
means to manage water resources. Dams are structural barriers which retains water forming a
reservoir. Water can be stQred andits in-take and out-take can be managed easily by using
various appurtenant structures such as spillways, canals etc.
Potohar region in. Punjab has a great potential for ~gri~ultural and-..SQci~ . development. The area
is irrigated by two stream, Haro and Soan River, and it is considered a high-rainfall area in
Pakistan. Small Dams Organization has built around 32 small dams in the area to utilize these
hydrological resources however much of the water still goes to waste as run-off and a large
portion of the 2.2 million hectares land is still devoid of any reliable continuous water resource.
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To enhance the agriculture capacity of the area and to cater for water requirements of farming, a
small dam is prqposed on a seasonal .p.ulJah, of t4~ i ~oa,n (iyer. WN,yh ,wUi store rain and storm
water from the cf\tchmen!. rhe:propo:;~" Q.@l\ i~1 ilqy~~~P\ 9..Q...,$~hQ~rtl3 of. Pindigheb in Attock
District. . '. [ ; .& '."'" ".
The project will help in not only better understanding of the course material but also how to
apply our knowledge on real life and practical problems, to use different techniques, tools, and
• I'
softwares on these problems and to manage such projects. |
en_US |