Bitcoin is considered to be the world's rst peer to peer and unregulated
crypto-currency which has received widespread popularity in the last few
years. It is considered to be the most popular way of achieving open source
P2P money. A large number of businesses have started accepting bitcoins
e.g WordPress, Baidu, Amazon, Reddit, VMware, Subway and SoundCloud
etc. It operates in cyberspace and requires a special software called Bitcoin
wallet to be installed on the client's computer. The core of the Bitcoin
protocol is the mining process which is meant for veri cation of transactions
and bringing new bitcoins into the system. It involves a Proof-of-work (PoW)
mechanism which is based on a complex cryptographic puzzle.
Looking analytically into the Bitcoin protocol, there are certain security
issues in the Bitcoin protocol which make Bitcoin transactions a major target
of fraudsters. Incidents related to bitcoins being stolen or Bitcoin exchanges
being shut down due to various attacks are observed daily. As of now, there
exists no comprehensive survey which highlights the existing vulnerabilities
and attack possibilities in the Bitcoin architecture. We also review existing
countermeasure techniques that can make Bitcoin architecture more e cient
and secure. In order to highlight the weaknesses that can make Bitcoin
transactions a major target of fraudsters, STRIDE threat modeling of the
Bitcoin architecture has been performed.
One of the identi ed problems is the security of the web based Bitcoin
wallets. The web based Bitcoin wallets, if not protected properly, can become
a valuable target of theft. The web based hosted Bitcoin wallets are
considered to be the most vulnerable type of Bitcoin wallets since they are
hosted on the servers of a trusted third party. The aim of the research is
to address the authentication and authorization issues in Bitcoin wallets.
As a proof-of-concept, we use Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) classes,
PKCS7, PBE encryption algorithm and Shamir Secret Sharing Algorithm
in such a way that no other entity would be able to carry out transactions
without the intervention of the legitimate user.