Many tools have been developed to monitor the network, so that network performance may be determined and the issues related to the decline in performance isolated and resolved. The characteristics of the network performance tools are similar in some ways but differ in others. SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), Internet2, and other scientific institutes submitted a proposal under the name of “Measurement and Analysis for the Global Grid and Internet End-to-end Performance (MAGGIE)” to the United States Department of Energy (DOE). The main goals of this proposal are to build a federation of measurement infrastructures so that latency measurements (historical and recent) can be shared, best practices among several measurement infrastructures can be adopted, the need for sites to deploy multiple infrastructures to gain all the available benefits be reduced and different analysis and visualization techniques be applied to yield more ubiquitous coverage and new insights. This project serves the main ‘MAGGIE Project’ and deals with the integration of two network latency measurement tools namely SmokePing and PingER. The project focuses on the comparison of the two tools, it explains the way in which SmokePing’s existing functionality was enhanced to visualize a greater number of latency parameters and discusses the strategy used to display PingER data using SmokePing visualization technique.