All advances in the field of science and technology aim at one main purpose of providing
humans as much convenience as possible. To contribute towards this aim, many
automation techniques have been developed in various fields to achieve quality
performance with minimum human intervention.
World Wide Web developed in 1980s is the universe of network-accessible information.
But most of the Web's content today is designed for humans to read, not for computer
programs to manipulate meaningfully. Computers can parse Web pages for layout and
routine processing but in general, computers have no reliable way to process the
semantics. The World Wide Web can be automated by putting semantics in it that can be
understood by the computer programs thus enabling them to act on users’ behalf resulting
into a new form of web called Semantic Web.
Mobile agents are programs that can autonomously travel across a network and perform
tasks on machines that provide agent hosting capability. The use of Mobile Agent reduces
network load as instead of downloading large amount of data for processing, the
processing is transferred to where data lies.
In the proposed project, the Mobile Agent searches for a job on user’s behalf on Semantic
Web. The user provides it with his job preferences, on the basis of which the Mobile
Agent searches on the Semantic Web, returning very precise and refined results to the
user instead of the plethora of information which is returned in case of conventional
search engines.