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Wireless multimedia sensor network using micaz motes

Show simple item record Anwar, Hamna Khan, Hamza Tariq Supervised by Lecturer ObaidUllah Khalid 2020-11-06T04:46:19Z 2020-11-06T04:46:19Z 2012-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-164
dc.description.abstract Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) employs multimedia gathering devices connected to a low power, low bandwidth sensor network. These networks are a step ahead of the WSNs, which only cater for scalar data. A camera is integrated to a MICAz mote through the interfacing circuitry. The microcontroller buffers the image and sequentially passes it to the attached mote. This mote transmits the information to the base station mote via multi hopping through a relay mote. The base station aggregates the data from the sensor network and sends it on to a PC or computing device through the MIB600CA gateway. The application accepts data from the TCP socket and processes it into the required form. WMSNs can support a lot of diverse applications but for the project a prototype is designed to support traffic monitoring and control. The methodology to dynamically change the duration of the traffic signals is the intended solution for regulating and managing traffic. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Wireless multimedia sensor network using micaz motes en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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