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Using Mobile Technology for Promoting Study Behavior in Students

Show simple item record Adnan, Muhammad 2020-11-06T05:08:03Z 2020-11-06T05:08:03Z 2014
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Hamid Mukhtar en_US
dc.description.abstract Current research has proved that student performance is improved to a great ex- tent when online educational contents are personalized. Such personalized systems are known as adaptive systems. Adaptive e-learning technology includes the best aspects of the study of computer science, education and psychology. Adaptive e- learning dynamically changes its learning contents based on students' performance. Common challenges addressed by adaptive e-learning are students' motivation, aca- demic background and learning style. Primary application of adaptive e-learning technology is education and business training. The problem in existing adaptive e-learning systems is that they do not consider the important aspects of student's personality and academic performance. One common example is that of learning management system called Moodle which uses one-size- ts-all approach. Currently there is no such adaptive system that motivates students based on their preferred learning behavior. Furthermore, no adaptive system exists that persuades students toward study through di erent text messages based on their academic performance. The suggested solution will help students in knowing their learning behavior and organizing it accordingly. Moreover, through timely reminders and smart mobile phone messages, students will be directed towards improving their study behavior. Several contributions connected to this research study are: 1) Helping students in know their weak and strong study habits; 2) Persuading students to bring improve- ment in their study behavior based on their personality types; 3) Improving Fogg Behavior Grid by adding personality layer to it; 4) Developing adaptive and inter- active mobile app; 5) Developing smart web-based SMS application that persuades students toward improving their study behavior by sending di erent messages to their mobile phones based on their academic performance; 6) Comparing interactive mobile app with web-based SMS application for their e ectiveness. Results at the end of this research study showed that web-based SMS application is more applicable and e ective in improving students' study behavior. The key factors behind the success of web-based SMS application were its simple use, timely triggers and persuasive text messages. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Information Technology, Mobile Technology en_US
dc.title Using Mobile Technology for Promoting Study Behavior in Students en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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