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Sovereign internet frameworks in Contemporary countries and way Forward for Pakistan

Show simple item record Ahmed, Bilal Supervised by Dr.Imran Rashid. 2020-11-06T05:08:23Z 2020-11-06T05:08:23Z 2020-09
dc.identifier.other MSIS-17
dc.identifier.other TIS-300
dc.description.abstract In today’s world, state power is demonstrated in a number of ways in tangible domain, may it be sea, air, land or space. Domain of Internet, though intangible is no exception. Although geographical boundaries are not recognized on Internet nor the addresses for structuring, but Internet protocol(s) recognize network service providers. Snowden Revelations have jolted the world of free Internet and given; even allies of United States, a run for their data security. Majority of countries are already working on security of their data in some form. Russia and China in this regard have taken lead by controlling the flow of information by their devised methods. Latest developments on RUnet and great firewall of China are testimonies of political will by Russian and Chinese governments. Both these countries have been advocating internet sovereignty as a way to secure sensitive information from foreign tailing. Pakistan in this regard have been lagging behind and no concrete vision or framework exists to control the Cyber Space. In order to propose a way forward for Pakistan, best practices have been identified after analyzing the Sovereign Internet Framework of Russia and China. Then a detailed study has been conducted to ascertain the current state of Cyber Space in Pakistan against these best practices and propose for Pakistan to take Cyber Space under control. The proposed way forward is mix of higher level regulatory, legislative and administrative measures to take a holistic approach best suited for Pakistan. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Sovereign internet frameworks in Contemporary countries and way Forward for Pakistan en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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