For any building the safe transfer of the superstructure’s load to the foundation is one of the most critical component of the design. At every building site due to varying geotechnical and geophysical conditions a unique design is required therefore advocating the detailed geotechnical analysis. In this project we have divided the design and analysis into two major parts, Shallow Foundations Deep Foundations In both these types of foundations we checked the Shear Criteria and Settlement Criteria for various shapes, conditions and methods of analysis and resulting in proposing the most suitable and economical design parameters for particular sites and conditions. Moreover, the development of an extensively detailed computer program on Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (using C# language) using various methods and techniques for foundation analysis and design which is designed as an end product of this project. In the end, the user gets a detailed report about the bearing capacities of various types of foundations based on shear and settlement criteria by just putting the basic field parameter as inputs.