Retaining structures are used to hold back masses of earth or other loose material where conditions make it impossible to let those masses assume their natural slopes. such conditions occur when width of the excavation, cut, and embankment is restricted by conditions of ownership, use of structure or economy, so these conditions demand the most appropriate type of retaining structures that should be economical and also best suit to the available conditions There are different types of retaining structures, we will focus on design on the design of those retaining structures which are usually use in the field and which are easy to construct and within the financial means. There are usually many failures of retaining walls throughout world most especially the differential settlement due to unequal pressure distribution under the base of wall so our main focus will be to give a design to reduce such failures by adjusting the height to base width relationship Our main focus is the detailed design of the retaining walls, which will be completed using excel files and then a software will be developed to provide the user with different options to select type of retaining wall according to conditions and within financial means which will be done by comparing different types of the retaining wall for a given condition Another software named as SNAP-2(SOIL NAIL ANALYSIS PROGRAM) with also be incorporated for modelling of soil nail wall, At the end the software will be brought into practicality by giving design of retaining walls in different areas of Pakistan.