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Post Quantum Secure Encrypted data Deduplication in Cloud Infrastructure

Show simple item record Khan, Waqas Ajmal Supervised by Dr. Fawad Khan. 2020-11-06T05:18:29Z 2020-11-06T05:18:29Z 2020-09
dc.identifier.other MSIS-17
dc.identifier.other TIS-302
dc.description.abstract Data deduplication performs a significant role in reducing the storage overhead of cloud service providers (CSP) and lowers the cost of end user packages. Besides deduplication, CSP and their respective clients are also curious and concerned about security and credibility of their data. Many researchers have given their input to develop, improve and formalize the process of secure data deduplication in cloud. Basic cryptographic principles yields the evolution of concepts of Convergent Encryption (CE) and Message Locked Encryption (MLE). Existing data deduplication solutions based on CE and MLE are not semantically secure and current cryptographic mathematical hardness assumptions fail to provide security against Quantum threats, i.e., Shor’s and Grover’s algorithms. Our proposed quantum secure hybrid level source based data deduplication scheme (HLSBD2) is based on post quantum cryptographic primitive, i.e., NTRU encryption; which provides security against post quantum threats. Unlike CE and MLE based deduplication techniques, our underlying user data deduplication scheme provides semantic security with embedded Proof of Ownership (PoW) and Proof of Storage (PoS) security services. The security analysis of the proposed HLSBD2 scheme highlights that it provides higher levels of security in the post quantum era. Moreover, the performance analysis of the scheme depicts its effectiveness to be adopted in practice. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Post Quantum Secure Encrypted data Deduplication in Cloud Infrastructure en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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