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Development of jammer against centralized remote control car door locking system based remote control improvise devices

Show simple item record Mubeen, Muhammad Hassan, Saad Warraich, Abdullah Sarwar Khan, Haris Ahmed Supervised by Asim Rasheed 2020-11-06T05:49:53Z 2020-11-06T05:49:53Z 2012-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-191
dc.description.abstract The security condition in Pakistan is worsening day by day. The miscreant elements come up every day with a new form of terrorism causing terror in the hearts of people and leaving them in a state of shock. One of the modern techniques is the use of radio controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIED’s).The radio controlled improvised explosive device (RCIED) is one of the deadliest threats to military personnel supporting the global war on terrorism and due to its success it is expected to play a major role as a weapon of choice in future insurgencies. To mitigate the risk of a RCIED attack, electronic jamming devices are utilized to interrupt the communications between a remote control and the RCIED trigger. This project will help to counter the triggering of IED’s using car remote control devices. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Development of jammer against centralized remote control car door locking system based remote control improvise devices en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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