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Improving the Use of Cloud Resources for Multi Agent Scalability

Show simple item record Abdul Jabbar, Muhammad Adil, Mazhar Habib 2020-11-06T06:30:55Z 2020-11-06T06:30:55Z 2013
dc.description.abstract Multi-agent systems are well suited to benefiting from cloud computing facilities. They provide decision support to the user in challenging environments. They are often applied to integrate heterogeneous information. The agents can help us in managing complex data, but scalability is a big challenge because many agents are commonly needed. Each of them may need a significant amount of computing resources. In tasks such as data mining and integration, these shortcomings become more important. JADE is an existing platform that is designed to handle scalability in multi-agent systems. Many preconfigured JADE platforms are created and linked together in different servers to achieve a measure of scalability. Amazon EC2 provides us with virtually unlimited computing resources via an IAAS platform using cloud computing. There are many techniques in Amazon EC2 that can be used for increasing scalability. The main purpose of this project is to provide a flexible platform that makes decisions in order to choose the best possible scalability technique dynamically. This is according to the changing environment in which system is deployed and nature of different applications running within it. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Information Technology, Improving the Use of Cloud Resources en_US
dc.title Improving the Use of Cloud Resources for Multi Agent Scalability en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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