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Hotel assets, personnel & vehicele management system

Show simple item record Hassan, Syed Zohaib Tariq, Mariam Shahid, Ali Usman Supervised by Dr. Adnan Rashdi 2020-11-06T07:48:39Z 2020-11-06T07:48:39Z 2012-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-196
dc.description.abstract In this project we present the design and implementation of a tracking and management system which makes use of the RFID technology for indoor assets and personnel tracking and will be integrated with a GPS and GSM/GPRS module for outdoor tracking of personnel and vehicles, thereby allowing the organization to keep track of all its assets, personnel and vehicles with a single system server. For outdoor tracking we have designed a SIM548c (GSM/GPRS/GPS module) based unit that takes location information from a GPS receiver and polls it directly to a website by making use of the nationwide GSM/GPRS network coverage. The indoor tracking unit has been developed which makes use of UHF Passive RFID reader and passive RFID tags. The authorized personnel will be allowed to monitor their movement and usage statistics. The information from all the tracking modules is constantly sent to a centralized web server and a database keeps records for future use. The information of vehicles is displayed on Google Map and a floor plan has been developed for presenting location of assets and personnel inside the premises. An operational prototype of the full system has been developed to demonstrate the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of a system that can be very useful for large scale organizations. By automating management functions for an organization, the effectiveness and productivity of the organization will increase and will create a competitive market where companies increasingly rely on technology for tasks that were originally done manually. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Hotel assets, personnel & vehicele management system en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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