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Location Sensing Using Reflective Middleware (MOBILOC)

Show simple item record Syed Waqas Hassan 2020-11-06T08:08:10Z 2020-11-06T08:08:10Z 2004
dc.description Supervisor: Muhammad Atif, Co Advisor: Kamran Munir en_US
dc.description.abstract The world is shifting towards a new dimension of technology, ubiquitous computing. In future the applications especially mobile applications would be highly dynamic and they would require more support from middleware components i.e. location awareness. Location is one of the core parts of context awareness. This domain of context awareness in mobile application had not been considered much. Few students of National University of Sciences and Technology have worked in this direction and they are able to propose a Middleware, which allows the context to be embedded in the mobile application. We took this idea and build a wireless plug inn for the proposed middleware that will allow the mobile application to get its location and adapt to a certain behavior according to that location. We in this project have introduced two more layers on top of the proposed middleware; intermediate layer and wireless LAN plug in layer. The intermediate layer has given this middleware a new dimension. Through this intermediate layer now we can communicate though different technologies such as Bluetooth, Global Positioning System and Wireless LAN. The layer on top of this intermediate layer is the wireless LAN plug in that enables the developer to develop an application while using middleware as platform and wireless LAN as baseline technology. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Information Technology, Location Sensing Using Reflective Middleware (MOBILOC) en_US
dc.title Location Sensing Using Reflective Middleware (MOBILOC) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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