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Logged Based Recovery of Mobile Transaction

Show simple item record Huma Hamid 2020-11-06T08:55:52Z 2020-11-06T08:55:52Z 2005
dc.description Advisor: Dr. Sharifullah Khan, Co-Advisor: Mr. Kamran Munir en_US
dc.description.abstract Recently, use of mobile technology for accessing business applications has been widely recognized. Now users can do shopping, book flights, operate their bank accounts through mobile applications. These applications involve database access and mobile transactions by mobile users. Transaction failure is a big issue, and the reason is mobile communication network limitations. These limitations include disconnection of MU, mobility of user to location where communication signals are weak or limited battery power. However, transaction failure can leads to data inconsistency at application database as well as extra load on communitarian networks to restart a failed application. It consumes user’s time to perform whole operation again. New era is of mobile communication and wireless technology therefore we cannot afford such mechanisms, which consumes extra Mobile and Network Resources. Therefore, it is required to look for a solution to the problem. In this project, we have tried to address transaction failure by providing a recovery mechanism, which handles disconnection of mobile user during transaction execution and starts failed application from the point it crashes. For that few changes have also been suggested in the present mobile architecture. Our aim is to recover failed transaction through log-based approach, where log placing and processing will be done at server side so that battery power network utilization and recovery time can be minimized. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Information Technology, Logged Based Recovery en_US
dc.title Logged Based Recovery of Mobile Transaction en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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