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Software design of retaining walls

Show simple item record Gillani, Naseem Qamar, Latif Supervised by Asst Prof Arif Raza 2020-11-06T09:10:33Z 2020-11-06T09:10:33Z 2006-04
dc.identifier.other PCS-137
dc.description.abstract In the past four decades, civil engineering in general and structural engineering in particular have achieved remarkable successes in adapting successive generations of computational support technologies and devloping Computational tools for specific process steps, notably analysis. One of the problem areas is the problems associated with lateral earth pressure and retaining wall stability. This segment of the soil mechanics has been receiving wide spread attention from engineers for a long time, The efforts to devise proc and formulate methodologies for analysis and design for the effect of the earth pressure dates back to over three centuries. Many of these theories developed by some of these early investigators serve as the basis for the present day study of the retaining walls. In the view of the great advantages occurring from the use of computers, like ease and promptness in performing various complex calculations, they are being introduced in every field of life. For Engineers, the computers have come as a big help. Great leaps have been made in the field of engineering using computers. The civil engineers are employing these machines in almost all of their Work. The computers are accurate, precise and much faster in calculation and adapted to the changes which may be linked for incorporating from time to time. Thus the tedium of many calculations for any design process,formulation of planes etc can be removed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Software design of retaining walls en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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