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Human Physiological Parameter Monitoring

Show simple item record Mujahid, Taha Munaf, Naila 2020-11-06T11:24:23Z 2020-11-06T11:24:23Z 2012
dc.description Advisor: Dr. Saad Qaisar, Co-Advisor: Dr. Awais Kamboh en_US
dc.description.abstract Biomedical signal processing is used for extracting clinically signi cant in- formation in the human vital signs. The functionality of the human body is based on electrical signals. These signals have to be decoded for useful in- terpretations. We use digital system for processing the data and extracting the useful information from human body vital signs. The processing of vital signs has been found helpful in identifying several pathological conditions. The work would involve development of human physiological parameters solution and its storage on a centralized location. It mainly consists of two parts. In rst part, we will be extracting human physiological parameters. In second part, we will be transmitting them to a centralized location. The data will be accessible remotely to any doctor in hospital. Major Challenging objectives to be achieved are: Acquisition of Physiological Signals Processing of Signals Extraction of Clean Vital Signs Storing and accessing the data remotely in hospital We will be using PCI 6014 Data Acquisition Card to extract data and then main processing will be done in Labview. And results would be stored in a data server, remotely accessible to many users. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Electrical Engineering, Human Physiological en_US
dc.title Human Physiological Parameter Monitoring en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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