Ground improvement is used to solve difficult geotechnical problems, especially when construction necessarily occurs in problematic soils or under difficult geotechnical conditions. Geotechnical Engineers encounter geotechnical problems, such as bearing failure, large settlements, instability, liquefaction, erosion, and water seepage. Many recent developments in equipment, materials, and design methods have made ground improvement technologies more effective, efficient, and economic. Ground improvement has become an important part of geotechnical practice. In this project, we have developed an automated site improvement system that utilizes user inserted ground conditions, site utility and desired performance parameters to suggest the most optimum site improvement technique. This system will integrate all available ground improvement techniques into single platform. The system have user interactive interface. The system is also capable of design/analysis of the soil as per requirement. Moreover, the system is windows form application. The development of an extensively detailed computer program is done on Microsoft Visual Studio (using C# language) using various methods and techniques for soil and site improvement. Soil improvement is preferred on all the types of foundations: Shallow foundation -- All techniques Deep foundation -- Piles only In the end, the user gets a detailed report about the percentage improvement of bearing capacities, settlement and cost after the improvement of soil by just putting the basic field parameter as inputs.