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Online and EDI Infrastructure Provided for Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR)

Show simple item record Sarah Qureshi 2020-11-09T06:37:56Z 2020-11-09T06:37:56Z 2004
dc.description Advisor: Mr. Kamran Munir, Co-Advisor: Mr. Mohammad Atif en_US
dc.description.abstract There are about 150,000 registered vehicles and about 15,000 vehicles are registered every year, in the Islamabad district alone. Currently there is no IT infrastructure; the existing registration application and issuance systems are entirely manual which allows room for error and discrepancies. The purpose of ‘Online and EDI Infrastructure provided for Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR)’ is to provide automation of vehicle registration on a nation wide basis to remove inconsistencies and ambiguities pertaining to the existing registration system. It is also going to be able to retrieve information pertaining to any VRN on/through a mobile device (present with the law and order unit of Pakistan). Currently, any vehicle is an entity not separate from the owner. With the implementation of a module of this project, the vehicle will be identified through a VIN. The applicant is already identified by his/her CNIC. As the applicant and vehicle will now become two individual entities, the vehicle registration process will have to be changed in order to facilitate the VIN. Through the VIN+CNIC taken as input, the proposed system will generate a VRN. Furthermore, instead of proper documents all registration relative information shall be stored on smart cards, for efficient processing. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. en_US
dc.subject Information Technology, Online and EDI Infrastructure en_US
dc.title Online and EDI Infrastructure Provided for Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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