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Lie detection based on human autonmic nervous system analysis though real-time eye image stream

Show simple item record Islam, Ayuq-Ul- Rehman, Ateeq-Ur- Supervised by Naveed Sarfraz Khattak 2020-11-09T08:05:36Z 2020-11-09T08:05:36Z 2007-04
dc.identifier.other PCS-147
dc.description.abstract Response of the autonomic nervous system can be assessed by quantifying the dilation of the pupil of a human placed under suitable luminous conditions. When the intensity of the surrounding light is low, human’s pupil dilates to capture a maximum number of photons. At the same time dilation is affected by Human Autonomic nervous System response. The aim of this paper is to assess the effects of stress on pupil through Autonomic Nervous System that an Individual experiences, with a view to apply it in a practical manner for detecting a lie during the course of interrogation. The paper presents two point algorithm devised specifically for pupil detection under Infrared rays at higher speed as compared to present day Algorithm and suggest research methodology for future. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Lie detection based on human autonmic nervous system analysis though real-time eye image stream en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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