PCR is one of the latest developed techniques in Medical Sciences, so there is a lack of PCR tools and equipment. Moreover, no recognized software is available to carry out the complete PCR tests from start to the diagnosis phase. Our software team is working in collaboration with Maj. Gen Suhaib Ahmed for the development of a Genetic Software for the PCR endpoint analysis and Real Time PCR.The hardware portion of the device developed in AFIP is done by Maj. Gen Suhaib whereas its software portion is entirely done by our software team. The main aim of this project is to develop a diagnostic utility within the country and within the available resources which is purely meant for virology. It will perform qualitative as well as quantitative analysis on DNA images and generate a report specifying the presence of a certain virus in the patient’s blood sample. This product is completely developed locally which reflects the research of one of our best pathologists and also the dynamic work of software engineering students. This collaborative work also meets standards in all respects. The software takes the images of the test tubes in the presence of different lights and filters. The software then crops out the required portion of a DNA image and calculates the values of the control and analysis dye respectively which are used later on for the diagnosis based on some threshold and some positive or negative control. After the diagnosis the reports are generated by the software and the graphical representation of the result is also shown for complete analysis.