The main purpose of the project is to set up an IT infrastructure to respond to different disasters/emergencies. The IT infrastructure would constitute various organizations providing their services (resources) to perform various post management tasks. The system is accessible through a Web interface. User authentication and access management is controlled by a User Management Service. A role-based access policy is used to provide access to different features of the system. Disaster Management Service is the key component of the system which consists of various subsystems including Workflow System. This system appoints tasks to different organizations and also sets priorities and dependencies between different tasks. A Capability Assessment Engine suggests resources of different organization based on disaster specific parameters. Resource Management Service has the responsibility to update status of resources. Communication Service allows different organizations and officials involved in a task to communicate with one another. Disaster Support Repository is a normalized relational database managing the records of the entire system. The above tasks have been accomplished by establishing Web Services in Java language using JAX-WS API. JAX-WS makes use of annotations to simplify the development and deployment process of Web service and its clients that communicate using XML. JAX-WS uses SOAP as message protocol. Specification of SOAP describes the envelope composition, its encoding rules and the ways of expressing Web service request and response. Request and response are used as SOAP messages over HTTP. The interface consists of JSP pages, for dynamic data handling without reloading the page we have also employed JQUERY, AJAX, JSON. Java Servlet enables us to separate business logic from presentation. Methodologies have been used to prevent SQL Injection attacks.
A comprehensive testing methodology including Prototype Testing, unit testing, and integration testing is followed. Usability analysis is also carried out by following different usability heuristics