NUST Institutional Repository

Surface Discontinuity Extraction

Show simple item record Tariq, Afifa Ahmed, Ariba Imtiaz Hanif, Samina Supervised by Dr. Seemab Latif 2020-11-10T05:13:48Z 2020-11-10T05:13:48Z 2014-05
dc.identifier.other PCS-241
dc.description.abstract This project is based on a part of the Oil exploration process where the 3D Seismic Images obtained are processed to detect the faults in the horizons. It is a desktop application built on the C# platform. It detects faults in the horizons (sedimentary layers) in a sequence of 2D Seismic Images, which in the end are combined to form a 3D image. The main output this system generates is the co-ordinates of the faults and the seismic image showing those graphically. The work focuses on importing 2D or 3D Seismic Images into the application and then allowing the user to detect faults on the image(s) by a press of the button only. It also allows the user to manipulate the image to view it properly for further processing. The 3D image is constructed from a sequence of 2D images located on the different axis. We have designed the user friendly application with a simple interface. The algorithm implemented for the detection of the faults is based on multiple algorithms we studied such as Ant Tracking Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization. This self-constructed algorithm has been successfully implemented and the faults detected. This software is for the companies which carry out the oil exploration process. We have automated the process of surface fault detection which is currently done manually in some of these companies. All they have to do now is to import the image into the application and press a button. This project is based on the requirements given by an oil processing company stating exactly what they need the system to do. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Surface Discontinuity Extraction en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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