Visually Impaired Assistance Application (VIAA) is specially designed for specific
domain i.e. visually impaired people that are eager to use android phone’s
functionalities but are unable because of the interface provided by android. VIAA will
be embedded in the system and will guide visually impaired people to commence
specific tasks. As visually impaired doesn’t have to do anything with the interface but
mostly with the functionalities that android platform provides. Most of the
functionalities we will be focusing on are already implemented in different ways but
to make the system more user friendly and efficient for visually impaired people, we
will focus on basic functionalities like attend or reject call, ,send or receive messages,
alarm settings, control calendar events, weather updates and current location of the
visually impaired person.
All functions will be based on voice command that will facilitate the user in a better
manner. No skills are required. VIP will only be needed to memories small commands
that will be stimulus to the system and application will response accordingly. System
will response in the form of speech as we are using Application Programming
Interfaces (Text to Speech and Speech to text). Furthermore, it will have only one tap
interface that will be opened by clicking VIAA and rest by clicking main screen,
commands will be manipulated by the application. Incoming calls automatically pop
up and will speak the incoming caller number where as making call to a specific
number will receive number from VIPs. In message module, incoming message alerts
the VIP that he has new message and by taping screen API translates message to
speech and will narrate it for VIP. Sending message module accepts number along
with number. In short, its one touch interface that facilitates VIPs and novice users to
android plate form that facilitate them to use android phone and its functionalities
efficiently and effectively.