Crime reporting is an important aspect in the lives of civilian of any country, in order to reduce the reporting time while making response quick, it’s very important to devise a mechanism that lets this happen. Crime reporting and response system focuses on certain problems that were faced by the people. Our project aims to eliminate/minimize those problems keeping in view the ease of people. The purpose of this project is to design and develop a software system that takes crime reports and extract the important info from them and quickly process them to generate effective response. This project presents a model of crime reporting and investigation that can be used as a building block for a real-time such system. Processing at the reports helps the system decide what's important, and hence in the generation of effective response to a report. Investigation via this system is speedy and remotely accessible to authorized users in order to reduce delays in criminal/crime scene investigation. Smart approach is used to reduce the delays in both reporting and investigation mechanism that includes, aweb site to allow web user to report crime and investigation support for authorized users, an android application to allow smart phone users to report crime and configuring a mechanism to allow normal symbion mobile users to report crime and developing a server
application to process the crime reports.