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Radio Spectrum Management System

Show simple item record Nasim, Faisal Bashir, Mohsin Farooq, Umar Noor, Tahir supervised by Dr Naveed Iqbal Rao 2020-11-10T06:50:28Z 2020-11-10T06:50:28Z 2009-08
dc.identifier.other PCS-178
dc.description.abstract R&S ESMB is a monitoring and test receiver for radio signals detection and their monitoring tasks. This receiver is capable of receiving signals ranging from 9.0KHZ to 3.0GHZ. These signals possess valuable information which cannot be extracted due to usage of various types of modulations, source encoding techniques, scrambling and encryption. These all things come in such a variety that any heuristic approach cannot be used and only a careful analysis of signals can reveal the information inside it. For this analysis, we need to receive these signals inside computing machine in a soft format for further processing. Radio Spectrum Management System is designed to communicate with R&S ESMB radio receiver. This software connects to the R&S ESMB radio receiver via Ethernet 10Base-T interface through TCP/IP and gathers data sent from R&S ESMB radio receiver to computer, stores the received data, implements a control module for automated control of R&S ESMB radio receiver and plays real time audio data received from receiver. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Radio Spectrum Management System en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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