dc.description.abstract |
Cloud based Unified IDE for .NET Languages is an embedded web application that provides an
environment for online compilation and execution of codes. It supports multi-languages which
include C# and Visual Basic. Users will perform remote online compilation and execution of
their codes without requiring intensive CPU and memory usage as Unified IDE is provided on
the Cloud. By combining Cloud Computing technology, our web application will facilitate the
remote users and remove the requirement for powerful systems and provide portability through
provision of SaaS.
The objective is to provide remote code compilation and execution facility especially for the
academic community in Pakistan. The students who don’t have Visual studio.NET, VB
compilers on their personal computers, will open web browser and access the unified framework
web service. They will write their C# and VB codes, compile and execute it online. The
computation will be done at cloud servers and interface will also be available on iOS based
mobile devices. The system shall fulfill the legal requirement by working under multi-user
license from relevant vendors.
In the second phase, the prime objective is to create a middleware for a generic computation
facility accessible to all kind of users who want to run programs on their smart phones and
tablets with complex algorithms which require higher processing and memory resources. The
examples include finding large prime numbers, execution of computation intensive and
interactive codes on smart phones and tablets. The front end will be available on smart phones
and tablets through which users will give the command and initiate the application. The
middleware will execute the program at the back end cloud servers through calling procedure and passing necessary arguments. The results shall be displayed on mobile devices withan illusion of local execution and maintain a suitable transparency level. The project will also enhance the potential and capability of light weight smart phones and tablets with more convenience to users. |
en_US |