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CPC Cloud parallel computing using UNIX OS

Show simple item record Amjad, Naeem Qumar, Imtiaz Qumar, Sreman Supervised by Naveed Sarfaraz Khattak 2020-11-11T07:03:50Z 2020-11-11T07:03:50Z 2013-06
dc.identifier.other PCS-233
dc.identifier.other BESE-15
dc.description.abstract Many Computation task are depending on heavy calculation and analyzing large amounts of data. These operations can take a long time on single computer. Cloud Parallel Computing utilizes networked computers by making them to work together to solve a problem, hence reducing the execution time. “Cloud Parallel Computing Using UNIX OS” focuses on Implementation of Cloud Infrastructure from the perspective of providing parallel processing to the jobs submitted by users. This system uses distributed memory model to perform network parallel computing. The communication among systems is done through Message Passing Interface (MPI). Our project will be running the parallel algorithms like matrix multiplication to display the notion of work efficiency. We are using JPPF on our system which is an open source Java message passing library that allows application developers to write and execute parallel applications for computer clusters/clouds Upon submission of a job by the user, it is broken into discrete parts that are solved concurrently by further breaking them down to a series of instructions and executing each instruction simultaneously on different CPUs through Message passing Interface and end result of computation is displayed to user This application proved to be very time saving and make the task of writing reports easier for administrators and free them for more productive tasks. Various Testing and evaluation results conducted on the product are extremely promising. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title CPC Cloud parallel computing using UNIX OS en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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