The desktops available in Labs are under-utilized especially the storage space. Its true potential can be achieved if it is used as joint storage and computation device using a peer to peer middleware. These resources can be used for efficient file sharing system. The project contributes towards this goal by designing and deploying a middleware based on peer to peer file sharing system with an interactive web based front end for managing file and data storage. The final product enables the users to store their data over a remote machine and retrieve it when it is required. This paradigm promises to minimize the need for maintaining expensive data center facilities by companies and institutes. This will reduce the overall cost of digital storage space for the users/workers of an organization as the computers available in Labs/Offices will provide storage with elasticity property.
The project demonstrates the implementation of cloud storage on a network of computers in peer to peer fashion. The middleware acts as a mediator between user and the storage backend. A web based user-interface has been developed which assists the user in accessing his cloud based storage and ensure communication over the network in a secure manner using an authentication mechanism.
Good quality services, reusability of available resources and cheap cost of storage are the main advantages that are achieved from this system. Any web browser using Windows or Linux operating system can be used to access the user data files as the system has been built in “Ruby on Rails”. Minimum requirements include a Pentium III computer which is sufficient for the deployment of this cloud middleware. While a Pentium 2 computer having an internet explorer which supports basic web technologies can be used to access this cloud infrastructure from client side. This project has been approved for funding by ICT R&D Fund under FYP category.