Since mobile phones have become an intrinsic part of our daily lives, why not use them to save our time and effort in a new way. The traditional ways of reporting a problem to a concerned Govt. authority includes a visit to their offices, long waits in long queues and still you might return back unheard. FixIT shall enable the residents of a particular region to be able to report their problems to the server. The user of the app will be able to take the photo of the problems that he sees around in the town. These problems will be categorized in 3 different categories (i.e. Municipal, Police & Terrorism). The user will be registered first on the server. The photo will be sent to the server with GPS coordinates of Mobile Phone and a description about the photo. Then the problems can be shared on various social apps for further discussion via server so that only registered users can share their views and discuss. Mind here, that the user will request the server for the sharing of the problem on social media and it can’t be done directly through app. FixIT will be an Android based Application that shall provide a platform for users to send their queries to competent authority. People can also report about different problems they encounter in the society. Furthermore, the problems can be shared on different social media platforms only via requesting the server. It provides people to discuss their problems with the authorities which is the main problem nowadays. To resolve the communication gap between government and the people this app is being developed.