Role of SRTWs(Signal repair technical workshops) has increased manifold in view of additional responsibility entrusted to Signals for field repair of all radio communication equipment. The current inventory system in place in all the workshops in Pakistan Army is manual register entries. Therefore, an application needs to be developed for keeping record of all of formations equipment along with repair profile at each SRTW. The same should also be available at Signals Directorate for showing fused picture of all communication equipment date and repair activities undertaken at each SRTW to keep an analytical eye on the ongoing fitness of different types of signal equipment in use in the Army and to keep track of which equipment is mal functioning more than usual. Application should also allow generation of reports in different formats. This web application will enable the user to quickly and easily check the progress of their corresponding signal equipment. Moreover, the user at the general headquarters will be able to generate different forms of reports for their information and subsequent analysis.