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Academic Analysis System (AAS)

Show simple item record Rafiq, Muhammad Hamza Mushtaq, Hamayun Nawaz, Muhammad Supervised by Ayesha Naseer. 2020-11-11T08:10:04Z 2020-11-11T08:10:04Z 2018-06
dc.identifier.other PCS-361
dc.identifier.other BESE-20
dc.description.abstract As every semester passes in MCS, a whole procedure of manual academic management begins. The students try finding their results in between the phenomenal hype of features that CMS provides, and then move on to estimate what their future plan should be to do better in their degree. The faculty and staff try to manage this heap of data by generating results, but the output is still ‘data’, not ‘information’. Considering the requirements of MCS CSE Dept, Academic Analysis System (AAS) is a web application that provides its three categories of users: students, faculty and staff; a simplified academic monitoring system. Its extensive scope features tasks like managing academic penalties, graduation criteria lists, past academic records, F-grades, subjects for improvement, future GPA calculation etc. AAS is looked forward to as an app that can work side by side with platforms like CMS, by providing its users with the services which they need daily. With a simple and elegant user interface and constant online availability, AAS is a successful replacement for the daily academic analysis. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Academic Analysis System (AAS) en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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