Army Medical College is an academic institution, primarily looking after the needs of armed forces medical requirement. However it also contribute in educating and training private/ foreign students. College runs two disciplines MBBS and BDS concurrently. For smooth functioning of college affairs it has been divided into three wings, administration, academic and library. Administration wing looks after most of the administrative affairs of the college. A cadet after being selected by NUST reports to the Army Medical College. The Wing is responsible for allocating “cadets numbers” to all the cadets. Broadly the wing looks after they’re living affairs and ensures provision of
stores required during their course of study. Academic wing keeps track of students performance throughout his/her stay in the college, the responsibility of this wing includes cadets registration with NUST, conduct of exams, assigning instructors to courses, compiling/ issuing of result and in the end preparing and maintaining the seniority roll especially for the Medical Cadets. Library Wing is responsible to provide reference/ course material required for the courses. It will maintain record of all the library items, which will be issued / received. The whole process is manual working causing a lot of problems for the staff.