NUST Institutional Repository

Inventory data management system

Show simple item record Malik, Mahin Huda Khan, Miqdad Askari Hussain, Muzammal Shafiq, Usman Supervised By Dr. Naima Iltaf 2020-11-11T08:45:28Z 2020-11-11T08:45:28Z 2017-05
dc.identifier.other PCS-322
dc.description.abstract The project will be used by the MCS management to keep track of the inventory system. Different access levels will be created for accessing database. The system will automatically generate reports on monthly basis. Separate reports can also be generated on the user’s request. Data searching will be available on various attributes. The main components of the system are a relational database on MySQL or another portable IDMS stores the essential data for subsequent analysis An Acquisitions Subsystem (AS) facilitates tracking of purchases, utilization and sale of inventory system. ASP. NET is being used for the management of the system CSS and Javascript will be used for the user interface of the system Objective of the project is to develop the Inventory Management system for MCS: To provide Inventory System access to all necessary personnel To provide a full range of reports that will satisfy informational requirements Develop an automated system that will be able to record, store, retrieve, and generate reports of inventory useful to management in decision-making. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Inventory data management system en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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