Show simple item record Tariq, Ali Munir, Saad Abdullah Toor, Zaeem Saeed Supervised by Supervised By Dr. Seemab Latif 2020-11-11T08:47:56Z 2020-11-11T08:47:56Z 2017-05
dc.identifier.other PCS-323
dc.description.abstract The era of information technology brings with it a plethora of entertainment packages, the greatest of which is the video game industry. This billion-dollar industry, has not only engulfed the entire globe and brought to life all scenarios, it is an avenue worth marching on. Over a passage of time the contents have been molded and shaped on depicting western society’s culture and views. Air Smash is a table tennis simulation game. Virtual Reality (VR) headset assisted by a smartphone is used as a visual device to provide VR features and another smartphone is used as a table tennis racket. Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors embedded in the phones will play a major role in the gameplay. This game replicates the gaming experience of expensive gaming consoles such as X-box Kinect and Nintendo Wii by providing motion sensing features keeping cost effectiveness as a major concern. The motion sensors embedded in the smartphone being used as a controller (racket) detect movement of the hand and orientation is changed accordingly in the display phone mounted inside the headset. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Air smash en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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