NUST Institutional Repository

Mechanical Transport Automation System

Show simple item record Imdad, Haseeb Ali Yousaf, Zohaib Rehman, Attique ur Ashiq, Muhammad Umair Supervised by Lec Aysha Naseer. 2020-11-12T07:48:59Z 2020-11-12T07:48:59Z 2019-06
dc.identifier.other PCS-337
dc.identifier.other BESE-21
dc.description.abstract Mechanical Transport Automation system is a web-based automation system for managing and automating the daily transport activities in an MT park. Basically, developed for Military College of Signals, it helps the MT officer & the MT Staff monitor all the vehicle activity. MTAS can detect the incoming vehicle using RFID chips & RFID readers and verifY whether it's registered in MT database. It can also save all vehicle records including their last maintenance date, their refuel date, air pressures etc. The system can provide a real time view of the incoming and outgoing vehicles on the system using 2 HD cameras. It can save all the logs of activities in the database. Our system is connected to a motorized barrier which opens upon successful verification of the moving vehicle activity. The system also presents all the logs, notifications, camera view and recent activities on the android app. The MT officer can allow guest vehicles inside the MT Park. IT can also show alerts if any vehicle is out of time or is leaving the gate without the prior entry in the database. Another important factor is the record keeping of vehicle Maintenance. The system is hosted on a cloud-based architecture to which an android app is also linked for real time alerts. The android app is only available to MT officer. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Mechanical Transport Automation System en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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