NUST Institutional Repository

Vehicle Monitoring System

Show simple item record Muhammad, Abu Taha Shah, Syed Hamza Hussain, Kashif Noman, Mustafa Supervised by Ather Mohsin Zaidi. 2020-11-12T07:54:02Z 2020-11-12T07:54:02Z 2018-06
dc.identifier.other PCS-338
dc.identifier.other BESE-21
dc.description.abstract Vehicle Monitoring System is a general vehicle tracking system using the conventional technologies like GPS, GSM and 4G/LTE and bringing these technologies together to create a system that use these technologies to their maximum potential. VMS has been created with an idea of the common people and bringing them a much needed secur ity feature for vehicle tracking and personnel tracking at an affordable price by using multiple solu tions and giving the customer the option to choose a system to their lik ing. The system has a few major changes when compared to the existing, conventional systems in the market. The main idea is to bring the technology to the people and give them direct control to reduce service cost and service time by removing the unnecessary m iddle-men and encourage the people to take control of the technology and custom ize it to their liking and unlock its maximum potential. The system makes use of GPS systems as well as the common loT platform to increase availability while keeping the cost down. The system has gone through rigorous testing by bringing the system to a scenario similar to its common usage in its daily life with no issues at all, overall the system is very accurate and reliable with unmatched customizability. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Vehicle Monitoring System en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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