NUST Institutional Repository

Smart campus communication and management system

Show simple item record Hammadullah, Hafiz M Rasheed, Fahad Abdullah, M Mushtaq, Wasim Supervised by Hasnat Khurshid 2020-11-13T04:40:56Z 2020-11-13T04:40:56Z 2019-05
dc.identifier.other PCS-348
dc.identifier.other BESE-21
dc.description.abstract We have been directed to develop an online communication system to facilitate the students and teachers. The said project is to be developed for the ‘WESTMINISTER SCHOOL And COLLEGE ISLAMABAD’ and will be deployed also once completed. Smart Campus Communication and Management System is proposed as a medium that will serve as a communication platform between teachers, students and the parents. The system will help the users to communicate effectively through the mobile application which is built for the same purpose. The stakeholders will be able to perform their tasks through mobile application as well as the web application. As the system previously used in schools and colleges is not automated and most of the official work is carried out manually. SCCMS will provide a handy and effective solution to the teachers and the students also. Faculty members will be able to mark the attendance of the students and upload course material , whereas the students, on the other hand cam view their attendance, can have access to the course material uploaded by the teacher, view their results, can view the time table etc. Parents’ portfolio have also been introduced in the system where they can view the attendance and results of their chil. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Smart campus communication and management system en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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