Current age of time is known as “age of communication”. Any institution or department without fluid internal and external communications cannot survive, rather useless, now-a-days. Similarly, there is a strong need for communication in military filed environment. We had many communication devices over past several decades. Most of them works over frequency based communication. Due to significant advancement and revolutions in communication technologies, devices are being converted to digital systems. P2P Intranet Communication App for Military Filed Environment is also an advancement towards modern age digital systems. All communications are performed over IP based fast and secure network.Operational environment of Army is highly fluid and ad hoc. It is expected that only trivial IT capability will be available to user in operational environment. It is also expected that the user in a military field environment have a very little training of operating digital devices. This system facilitates field commanders to share information with other command echelons in a secure, encrypted and reliable manner. Application also provides an interface that may be used by operating system or other applications to use application services. Special points are taken into account to fulfill the needs of a military field environment. System is efficient enough to be supported by the minimum hardware technology available to field commanders.