Show simple item record Mahmood, Mian Basit Mushtaq, Haider Ali, Hussain supervised by Dr Naima Iltaf 2020-11-13T04:51:13Z 2020-11-13T04:51:13Z 2016-07
dc.identifier.other PCS-296
dc.description.abstract This Application is aimed to provide a platform for the end user to edit images on an Android device. It takes in two pictures from the user. One picture can be selected as the base picture or as the background. By identifying and recognizing objects, via manual cropping, the desired object can be extracted from the image and then be stitched on top of Background image of the user’s choosing. The contours would be recognized by the help of some of the following different well proven techniques, such as Edge and Corner Detection, The Canny Edge Detector, The Sobel operator, Harris Corner Detection and others like Hough transformations. To improve the primary or the secondary images, our system will provide the user the ability to apply different filters to the images, including basic filters such as Mean Blur, Gaussian Blur, Median Blur, Sharpener, Dilation, Erosion and different Threshold filters such as Binary Threshold and Threshold to Zero filters. To make the editing and cloning of a selection region seamless we will make use of Poisson partial differential equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions which specifies the Laplacian of an unknown function over the domain of interest, along with the unknown function values over the boundary of the domain. The extent of the changes ranges from slight distortions to complete replacement by novel content. The purpose of this app is to give the end user easy access to various image editing and image extraction techniques with the help of an easy to use graphic user interface and minimal learning effort. Using this app the end user can create amazing breathtaking pictures which can then be saved to local storage or can then be shared among friends using the social media. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title piClone en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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