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Automated time table schedular

Show simple item record Riaz, M. Ahsin Butt, Khalil Awais Haq, Ehtesham Ul Ashraf, Arslan Supervised by Dr. Ayesha Maqbool 2020-11-13T05:13:36Z 2020-11-13T05:13:36Z 2020-07
dc.identifier.other PCS-371
dc.identifier.other BESE-22
dc.description.abstract Automated timetable makers are a commonly used practice in the academic industry, where generating a clash free timetable and sharing among various stakeholders is NP hard problem. Although it is tried and tested to be a reliable mode of generating and sharing a timetable, it has some limitations in terms of availability, efficiency and effectiveness etc. The idea of the automated timetable generator can be replicated to make date sheet generator, to schedule a class presentation, appointments, reservations and bookings etc. We propose the creation of such a system. This Automated timetable maker is created with the aim to generate and manage the timetable using Artificial intelligence and sharing timetable for voting among the faculty members and sharing the finalized version of timetable after voting with the students. Using this system, each teacher and student can view their timetable once it is finalized for a given semester but they cannot edit them. Automated Timetable Maker generates timetable for each class and teacher, in keeping with the availability calendar of teachers, availability and capacity of physical resources (such as classrooms, computer labs, and lecture halls) and rules applicable at different classes, semesters, teachers and subjects level. The project was realized and envisaged based on the concept of automated timetable generation. We are very hopeful that such a system will help various departments in a highly engaging, interactive and effective manner. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Automated time table schedular en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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