Internet technology has become very advance and is used in many ways such as good or bad way. But information is scattered, so user faces problems to find specific information, which cause the wastage of time and time is money. During the net surfing users found most of the web sites which are social and comment oriented and everyone can share his/her idea there and everyone does not provide authentic information, so authenticity is the big issue.
The idea behind this project is to guide the students for their admissions. This project basically provides students a clear road map according to their merit. We will design a website which automatically collects the data from all the educational related websites. A student simply enters his marks, interested area etc. then he/she will get the list of all possible institutes and merit criteria. This website will also help the students for understanding the admission process. Website will automatically update when something new posted on educational websites and generates the SMS alarms to the registered members of the website. We want to give benefits to all students who does not know about admissions and do not know about all possible opportunities. Every member/user of the website is considered as “student”.