Show simple item record Khan, Hidayat-Ullah Supervised by Dr. Mukhtar Hussain 2020-11-16T07:38:10Z 2020-11-16T07:38:10Z 2001-08
dc.identifier.other TCS-53
dc.description.abstract Expert systems are like human experts. Since currently it is not possible to simulate human experts so we call them as decision support systems, which helps the human experts in decision-making. Decision support systems are typically based on knowledge acquired from domain experts, traditionally using techniques of question answering, form filling, and knowledge editing. Though advances in such techniques have eased the process of knowledge acquisition, this process still remains a bottleneck in developing new decision support systems. The research argues that systems can automatically acquire new knowledge by solving problems and letting the expert provide advice, criticism, and verification. The system produced by this research work is aimed to be like a base of an Islamic expert system. Currently it is like an intelligent, efficient, referencing system. It contains a huge knowledge base consisting of Quranic Translations, Hadith Translation, an English Dictionary and many more system files consisting of Islamic Knowledge. This system is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts in the field of Islamic education. The Islamic knowledge is represented in the form of Frames and Semantic Nets. It also has an intelligent query handler built on top of its knowledge base. iv Query handler is connected with the learning module of this system. While handling the user queries system also learns from the user. Then it get the verification from a human Islamic scholar for it new knowledge. Islamic scholar can edit the knowledge base of the system. User can also perform simple search through translations of Quran and Hadith. Thesis report contains all the relevant knowledge of this research work. AI concepts, which were within the scope of this work, are discussed in detail. Then there is complete conceptual information of implementation of the system. This work is a humble effort of implementing the AI concepts. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Islamic expert system en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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