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Analysing of the Impact of Stack-Protocol, Encapsulation methods & Video Codecs on the perfoirtmance of Live Video Streaming

Show simple item record Iqbal, Afaq Supervised by Dr. Fahim Arif 2020-11-16T07:57:54Z 2020-11-16T07:57:54Z 2013-07
dc.identifier.other TCS-300
dc.description.abstract Streaming of multimedia data is getting huge popularity in different fields of information communication and entertainment. This is possible because of the increase in available bandwidth of the network, increase in computing power of the computer processors and memory, and also because of the advancement in algorithms. Streaming of live video over the internet is dependent on diverse factors. These factors have direct impact on the quality of the transmitted video. The underlying protocol, encapsulation method and the choice of video codec are the main factors involved which affects the transmission of video over a network. Various studies have been performed to analyze the impact of these factors individually on the quality of video transmission. However, their joint impact on video transmission is not done hitherto. In our thesis we characterize the performance of video streaming setup, while considering the effect of protocol, encapsulation method and the underlying video codec on delay and percent frame loss as the key investigating parameters. The results obtained while considering diverse video streaming setups are provided in the results section of this thesis. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Analysing of the Impact of Stack-Protocol, Encapsulation methods & Video Codecs on the perfoirtmance of Live Video Streaming en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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