NUST Institutional Repository

Analysis and Design of Requirements and Usability Aspects in Android Applications for Visually Impaired Persons

Show simple item record Ashraf, Anam supervised by Dr. Sarmad Sadik 2020-11-17T05:02:32Z 2020-11-17T05:02:32Z 2015-02
dc.identifier.other TCS-344
dc.description.abstract In this era of information and communication, technology has become indispensable for people with blindness. It is noticed that for visually challenged users, the progress has been much slower as compared to normal people. There are number of visually impaired users that require specific application that could help them in their daily lives. User involvement is an important issue that is currently being researched and discussed in software development industry. Literature on software development reflects that user involvement in software development lifecycle (SDLC) process can contribute to software usability. Necessary considerations for improving accessibility and usability are generally lacking in software engineering procedures. Emergence of smartphones is an example of cutting edge technology. Usage of smartphones is equally important for people with visual impairment. Visually challenged people face numbers of problems while interacting with surroundings, because a variety of information is encoded visually. The research study propose a stepwise methodology for gathering requirements from visually impaired users and establish usability centered development model for visually challenged people. That helps to improve software development process. The proposed usability centered framework will be implemented by developing proof of concept based on a comparative analysis of smartphone applications and the requirements gathered from the case study to prove its effectiveness. Moreover the simplified application is presented to enhance the usability and accessibility of application and also guide visually impaired people in order to identify the correct object by using their smartphone. The development was performed using the android platform and application was deployed on Samsung Galaxy Note II for testing. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Analysis and Design of Requirements and Usability Aspects in Android Applications for Visually Impaired Persons en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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