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Evaluation and Evolution of Green Building Rating Systems: A Policy Proposal for Pakistan

Show simple item record Zafar, Abdullah 2020-11-18T10:46:27Z 2020-11-18T10:46:27Z 2016
dc.description.abstract The construction industry in Pakistan is mounting promptly. Now it is inescapable to becoming cognizant of sustainability and its implication for persistence of our resources. This research and literature mainly emphasis on how sustainability can be integrated in buildings, but till now, there is no research specifically related to the development of a rating system for evaluating the sustainability of green buildings. This thesis presents a rating system for green buildings. It is presented in three parts; the first part presents the extensive and comprehensive literature review of prevailing and effective Rating systems of developed countries in which sustainability measures are considered firmly in construction industry i.e. LEED, BREAM, DGNB and PEARL. The second part is conducting field survey (Questionnaire). This form was developed to acquire the data from experienced field personals. Questionnaire consisted of number of questions related to sustainability measures (Energy, water, site selection, socio-economic effects etc.). We acquired data in term of percentage assigned to each sustainability criteria. Every person had to assigned particular percentage to each criteria by keeping in mind the importance of each criteria. The third part was to analyze the data we collected. We sort out the factors according to their significance and percentage assigned by experienced field personnel’s. On the basis of these data we developed a policy draft for Pakistan Green Building Rating system. en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.title Evaluation and Evolution of Green Building Rating Systems: A Policy Proposal for Pakistan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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