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BIM Based Design and Analysis of Green Retrofitted Structure

Show simple item record Ghouri, Zainulabideen Ali Khan 2020-11-19T09:23:25Z 2020-11-19T09:23:25Z 2018
dc.description.abstract The AECF (Architecture Engineering Construction and Facility Management) Industry is evolving day by day around the globe and one of its major evolution is based on Digital World transformation by the platforms of BIM (Building Information Modeling) integrating the phases of Decision making, Designing, Modeling, Analysis & Simulation, Communication & Collaboration, Documentation and up to the Delivery of all before Project Execution as well as During Execution in form of Planning and Management. To boost Delivery Efficiency, Quality with in tight constraints of Time and Budgets, BIM Platforms are on stage in major fields of AECF Industry. Also the picture of AECF Industry at global level is technically advanced in many ways in Life-time saving (Money, Resources, and Power etc.) and preserving (Environment and Natural Beauty) by going Green and having Eco-friendly Developments. Countries that follow the new Standards and Innovations in AECF Industries are having better lives with effectiveness in Savings with Style. Keeping all of the above aspects in mind, most of the regions in world including Pakistan still stands way behind from the developed countries may be because of limitations of Budget in Hand, Locally available Resources, Technically Trained Manpower and much more. Thus this Final Year Project includes all which may be needed in order to complete the Related Data Acquisition, Designing, Model Development, Analyzing, and Presenting to Stake holders the format of a simple structure. For the purpose here a commercial building, at preferable densely populated area, keeping in view the comfort level for the inhabitants’, different components will be designed, upgraded and meliorated. The new technology materials available will be used to make it Green, Energy Efficient, Eco-Friendly, and Aesthetically Sound using various alternative ways for Performance Optimization falling in the constraints of Green Building Standards and effective for locals of Pakistan. This research project depicts design of Green Building on BIM Platforms to build awareness amongst the professionals and urban developers about these concepts. Making building using concepts as stated can help Reduce Initial & Life-time Continuous Investments, Improve Comfort and Preservation of the Nature & Environment. en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.subject Green Building, Building Design, BIM, Energy, Innovation, Energy Efficient Techniques, BIM Model Development. en_US
dc.title BIM Based Design and Analysis of Green Retrofitted Structure en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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